<<< Brandy Agerbeck >>>
I'm the drawing zealot behind this site. Thanks for reading/viewing.

TheDrawingSwitch.com launched in January 2011. This site is shiny, new and still forming. What are you hoping to find on this site? What's stopping you from drawing? What would help you draw more? Please contact me and tell me more:

I am an artist and a graphic facilitator. I'm super fortunate that I do my two favorite things for a living: Thinking and drawing.

One side of my work is personal, my art. Drawing is the core, along with printing, collage and some sewing.

Graphic facilitation is my professional work. I serve clients with my drawing, listening and thinking skills.

If you want to learn more about my graphic facilitation work, start with my videos. Here's other ways to connect with me:
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© 2010-2011 Brandy Agerbeck, The DrawingSwitch.com. All Rights Reserved.