The Idea Shapers: The power of putting your thinking into your own hands
Your visual thinking guide by Brandy Agerbeck

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Your hand is your guide through the bulk of the book (pages 53 through 392), leading you through the 5 steps for working through a complex problem. Within each step, we break down the distinct thinking and drawing processes that make up The Idea Shapers, your visual thinking tools. For example, the first step is CHUNK and the four Idea Shapers it contains are The Objective, The Landscape, The Stack and The Retort.

Each Idea Shaper is very simple in itself. Used together, they can help you tackle your complex tasks — whether it's learning a new topic, writing a paper, making a decision, coming up with original ideas or solving a problem.

These concepts form a tool set to help you become more clear and confident in analyzing and synthesizing your ideas, using just paper and pen.

Scroll below to meet The Idea Shapers. As Brandy develops more videos and posts, she'll add links to this page. You can find them all described in depth in the book, with each chapter ending with a story of that Idea Shaper at Work.

Step 1: CHUNK
    Introduction to the video series, Meet The Idea Shapers

The Objective
Beginning with your end goal in mind

The Objective is one of two sample chapters. Click here to open this first Idea Shaper in a PDF. (Mosey over here to see the other sample chapter.)

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The Landscape
Scanning your entire mental terrain at once

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The Stack
Using modularity to sort and shuffle ideas

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The Retort
Distilling language for concision and clarity

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Step 2: SORT + GROUP
Sorting Idea Shapers

The Filter
Sifting through chunks using criteria

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The Flag
Setting ideas apart through types of highlighting

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The Spectrum
Selective use of color to create organization and meaning

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Grouping Idea Shapers

The Cluster
Organizing similar points through close proximity

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The Buffer
Breathing white space around Clusters for clarity

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The Banner
Categorizing and labeling your Clustered ideas

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Connecting Idea Shapers

The Connector
Delineating relationships by placing lines between ideas

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The Trio
Choosing shades of color to emphasize and de-emphasize ideas

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The Flow
Creating direction and movement throughout your drawings

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Containing Idea Shapers

The Container
Distinguishing ideas by drawing lines around them

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The Anchor
Tying your ideas together with a central image

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The Lasso
Corralling a collection of ideas using boundaries

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The Fill
Complementing lines with areas of shading to create more depth and space

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Step 4: SCALE
Scale of your canvas

The Poster
Working big to expand your thinking

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The Postage Stamp
Working small to condense your thinking

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Scale of your ideas

The Pyramid
Scaling text and images to show a hierarchy of ideas

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Step 5: GRASP

The Investigator
Testing your ideas by looking through different lenses

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The Iterator
Reworking to refine and strengthen your ideas

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The Integrator
Synthesizing your ideas into a cohesive image

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The Activator
Acting on what you learned from your drawing

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The Image Iceberg

The Image Iceberg demostrates that the simple, conceptual drawing of The Idea Shapers makes up the mass of meaning-making. What you learn throughout the book is the how to use shapes, words, line, color, scale, all the visual and spatial choices to make powerful drawings. The tip of the iceberg is pictorial drawing. Representational drawing. This last section puts imagery in perspective.

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Interested in more? Read the sample chapters >

Buy your copy of The Idea Shapers on Amazon.

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strengthen your visual thinking skill with your copy of The Idea Shapers Read about the inherent properties of drawing and why those make it a powerful drawing tool. Learn more about Brandy Agerbeck who wrote and drew The Idea Shapers Read what others are saying about the book. Take a tour of the 24 visual thinking concepts make up The Idea Shapers Take a tour of the 24 visual thinking concepts make up The Idea Shapers Click here for images and text to help you share The Idea Shapers with others