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Training in the Belbin Team Roles
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training, organizational development graphic facilitation 9 4'x 6' 1 day 07.08

An example of working with the client and the facilitator on how to best present a model they are introducing to the group. I knew the team we were working with to the Belbin Team Roles. Since the client sent me the link to learn more, I knew that there was 9 roles. I built the drawing in three steps: 1, LEFT I drew a circle of 9 characters in the center, give me room to work from.

As each team member shared each of the nine roles, I filled in the nine characters.

3, BELOW As the day continued and they learned more on how to use the Belbin model into practive, I added more and more details around the central model. I appreciate that this day's drawings work both as the whole and the parts, and the big picture and the details.

Graphic facilitator Brandy Agerbeck creates conceptual maps of conversations. Since 1996, her drawing and thinking skills have facilitated groups of 2 to 1000 across industries. Brandy's images help people navigate the complex world around them and bring clarity to their work.

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